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DIY Marketing: How to Handle It as an El Dorado County Entrepreneur

As a small business owner, you fill a variety of roles. One of the most important — and often most overlooked — of your responsibilities is that of Marketing Director. Whether you realize it or not, every decision you make regarding your business affects your marketing. From the products or services you offer to the way you share your story, everything sends a message about your brand.


Luckily, you don’t have to have a degree in marketing or a team of experts to craft effective marketing strategies for your small business. By learning about different marketing channels and how to use them effectively, you can develop a plan to help you achieve your business goals — and save you money in the process. These helpful tips from the El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce will get you started.

Scrutinize Your Current Strategy

To become your own marketing department, first examine your current marketing strategy. If you lack a formal strategy, it is time to develop one. If you have a strategy, take a close look at it to see if it needs any modifications. Your marketing strategy should be closely aligned with your business goals so that every decision you make regarding your marketing efforts is driving you closer to those goals.   


You may find that, after revising your strategy and branding, that you want to modify some of your current marketing materials. On the plus side, you don’t have to start from scratch. On the down side, those files could be saved as PDFs, which makes it harder to edit them. Fortunately, a conversion tool can help you turn that PDF into a more easily editable file type. If you need to know how to convert a PDF to Word, simply find a free online conversion tool, add the file to the drop zone, and select Word (or .doc) as the new file type. Select Convert and save the file so you can edit easily.

Evaluate the Best Marketing Channels to Use      

There are seemingly endless marketing channels available nowadays, which can make it tough to know where to start. The best way to narrow down your options is to think about where your target customers are spending their time. If they are on social media, then focus your efforts there.  But remember that not all social media platforms are the same. Learn about whether your customers use Twitter or TikTok, or if Facebook or Instagram are more to their liking. You don’t want to construct social media marketing strategies for the wrong platforms. 


If, on the other hand, they are reading industry publications, then advertising in those publications may be a good option. Once you know where to find your target customers, you can start planning which channels will be most effective for reaching them.

Carefully Shape Your Message          

Once you know which channels you’ll be using to reach your target customers, it’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to say to them. This is where having a clear understanding of your brand comes into play. According to WebFX, your messaging should be consistent across all channels and reflect the unique personality of your brand. If you need help refining your messaging, consider working with a freelance copywriter who specializes in small businesses.               

Measure Your Effectiveness 

It’s important to keep track of your marketing initiatives so that you can adjust course, if necessary, and double down on what’s working well. There are different ways to track results, but one of the simplest is setting up Google Analytics on your website. Google Analytics will give you insights into things like how people are finding your site, how long they’re staying there, and what pages they’re visiting. You can also use Google Analytics to track conversions from specific campaigns by setting up conversion tracking codes for each campaign you launch. These codes can be added to thank-you pages or other key pages on your website so that Google knows which campaign led someone to convert.                                       

Collaborate with a Freelance Marketer  

Once you have a handle on the basics of small business marketing, you may find that there are still some areas where you could use some help — and that’s okay! Rather than hiring a full-time employee or expensive agency, consider working with a freelance marketing specialist who can provide tailored support as needed. This arrangement allows you to get the expertise and assistance you need without making a long-term commitment or breaking the bank.               


Master the Art of DIY Marketing


Small business owners who must fulfill the role of a marketing department should start by evaluating their current strategy and determining which marketing channels will be most effective. They should also carefully shape their message so that it is consistent across all channels and reflects the unique personality of their brand. When possible, revise previous marketing materials using a PDF conversion tool to reflect your new branding angle instead of starting from scratch. Finally, they should survey their efforts and track effectiveness to ensure they're making progress toward their business goals. If small business owners find themselves in need of additional help, they can always partner with a freelance marketer for tailored support.


If you’re ready to grow your business with the help of great local resources and partnerships, join the El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce.

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El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce