
Chamber Events Calendar

2021.03.10 Virtual Networking at Noon (A.K.A. Business Luncheon) with District Attorney Vern Pierson

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Name: 2021.03.10 Virtual Networking at Noon (A.K.A. Business Luncheon) with District Attorney Vern Pierson
Date: March 10, 2021
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST
Event Description:
Featured Speaker: El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson

In 2006, Vern Pierson was elected as District Attorney of El Dorado County and is currently serving his fourth term.  Vern has been a prosecutor for 28 years, serving in various capacities as Deputy District Attorney, Deputy Attorney General, and Chief Assistant District Attorney.  In addition, he currently serves as the President of the California District Attorneys Association and is the author of the California Evidence Pocketbook.  Vern received a Master Degree from the Naval Postgraduate School, Center for Homeland Defense and Security (CHDS). His thesis argued for re-examination of the role of psychology within extremism and serves as a subject matter expert for CHDS. Vern has three children who each graduated from Oak Ridge High School.  His two sons have served in active duty in the 82nd Airborne and his daughter is completing her teaching credential with hopes of being a high school teacher. 

Please join us Wednesday, March 10th for a Virtual Networking at Noon with the El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce.  This month's feature speak is District Attorney Vern Pierson whose presentation will cover DNA and Crime Solving.

Our Business Luncheons include informative, entertaining , and motivating speakers. Chamber Business Luncheons are traditionally held  each month on the second Wednesday at Red Hawk Casino/Henry's Steakhouse, however due to the COVID-19 pandenic these events will take place virtually via Zoom software.

Invite a guest and join members who are excited to do business with fellow chamber members.  Since this event usually includes a buffet lunch, attendees are encouraged to order take out from a restaurant to show support to our local establishments.

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This meeting will take place via Zoom software.
Date/Time Information:
March 10, 2021
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
Laurel Brent-Bumb, CEO
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