2022.10.19 *Business Luncheon - Congressman Tom McClintock
2022.10.19 *Business Luncheon - Congressman Tom McClintock
October 19, 2022
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PDT
Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
This month's speaker is Congressman Tom McClintock
Presentation Topic: Federal Update/State of the Economy
Tom McClintock represents the people of California’s historic gold country and Sierra Nevada in a district that stretches from Lake Tahoe, through Yosemite Valley and on to Kings Canyon.
Often described as “the gold standard” for fiscal conservatism in Congress, the National Taxpayers Union rated him the best vote for taxpayers in the House four times, most recently in 2020. Citizens Against Government Waste recently named him as one of only two perfect votes in the House fighting wasteful government spending.
McClintock is a member of the House Judiciary Committee where he serves as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship and also serves on the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. He is a senior member of the House Natural Resources Committee where he serves on the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, which he chaired from 2015 to 2018, and on the Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife, which he chaired from 2011 to 2015. The Congressman is also a member of the House Budget Committee and has proposed major fiscal reforms to curb unauthorized appropriations, control mandatory spending, balance the budget and protect the nation’s credit.
Prior to his election to Congress, McClintock served 22 years in the California legislature, where he became one of its most recognized conservative leaders. He twice received the Republican nomination for State Controller, narrowly missing election in 2002 by 23/100ths of one percent. He ran as the conservative standard bearer for Governor in California’s historic recall election in 2003.
Please note; The Cameron Park Country Club has notified us of a price increase effective August 1st. Luncheon will now be $30.00 for members and $35.00 for non-members.
We will be exploring other alternatives and asking for your input.
Guest Speaker: Congressman Tom McClintok
Thank You to our Premier and Monthly Sponsors:
Gold Country Retirement Community & El Dorado County Republican Party
Special Thanks to Sweet Pairings Bakery for providing scrumptious desserts
Presentation Topic: Federal Update/State of the Economy
Tom McClintock represents the people of California’s historic gold country and Sierra Nevada in a district that stretches from Lake Tahoe, through Yosemite Valley and on to Kings Canyon.
Often described as “the gold standard” for fiscal conservatism in Congress, the National Taxpayers Union rated him the best vote for taxpayers in the House four times, most recently in 2020. Citizens Against Government Waste recently named him as one of only two perfect votes in the House fighting wasteful government spending.
McClintock is a member of the House Judiciary Committee where he serves as Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship and also serves on the Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. He is a senior member of the House Natural Resources Committee where he serves on the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands, which he chaired from 2015 to 2018, and on the Subcommittee on Water, Oceans and Wildlife, which he chaired from 2011 to 2015. The Congressman is also a member of the House Budget Committee and has proposed major fiscal reforms to curb unauthorized appropriations, control mandatory spending, balance the budget and protect the nation’s credit.
Prior to his election to Congress, McClintock served 22 years in the California legislature, where he became one of its most recognized conservative leaders. He twice received the Republican nomination for State Controller, narrowly missing election in 2002 by 23/100ths of one percent. He ran as the conservative standard bearer for Governor in California’s historic recall election in 2003.
Please note; The Cameron Park Country Club has notified us of a price increase effective August 1st. Luncheon will now be $30.00 for members and $35.00 for non-members.
We will be exploring other alternatives and asking for your input.
Guest Speaker: Congressman Tom McClintok
Thank You to our Premier and Monthly Sponsors:
Gold Country Retirement Community & El Dorado County Republican Party
Special Thanks to Sweet Pairings Bakery for providing scrumptious desserts