2023.06.14 El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce Charity Golf Tournament
2023.06.14 El Dorado County Chamber of Commerce Charity Golf Tournament
June 14, 2023
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM PDT
Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.

Event Description:
Charity Golf Tournament
Flagging the Fairway.
Wednesday, June 14th
Tee off at 09:00 AM
Registration Required: $125 per person / $500 per foursome
Fee includes Continental Breakfast and Full Lunch, Green Fees, Cart, Range Balls, Non-alcoholic Beverages on the course, and one Applemosa compliments of Rainbow Orchards and Koby Pest Control
All participants are required to have their own golf clubs and equipment.
Player Sign Up - Form
Sponsorship Packages - Form
Sponsorship Opportunities
Premium Sponsor - $2500.00
Large company name/logo screen printed on give-away item distributed to all golfers
Sponsors get a complimentary round of golf for four in the tournament (a $500 savings!)
Facebook Postings of Sponsorship
Company Logo featured Sponsor on EDCCC Website
Sponsorship recognized in the E-News and Special Golf Event Emails
Tee Sponsor sign with the option to set up a table on your sponsored hole to promote your business
Name/logo used in all newspaper advertising on all posters and flyers, and on a thank you poster the day of the event, plus listing in the program with contact info.
Major recognition in The Voice of Business (with a distribution of 27,000+)
Premium Tee Sponsor - $200
Sponsors at this level will get a sign as well as the ability to set up a table/booth on their sponsored hole to promote their business. (There will be more than one sign per hole)
Tee Sponsor - $100
Sponsors at this level will get a sign to promote their business. There will be more than one sign per hole.
Flagging the Fairway.
Wednesday, June 14th
Tee off at 09:00 AM
Registration Required: $125 per person / $500 per foursome
Fee includes Continental Breakfast and Full Lunch, Green Fees, Cart, Range Balls, Non-alcoholic Beverages on the course, and one Applemosa compliments of Rainbow Orchards and Koby Pest Control
All participants are required to have their own golf clubs and equipment.
Player Sign Up - Form
Sponsorship Packages - Form
Sponsorship Opportunities
Premium Sponsor - $2500.00
Large company name/logo screen printed on give-away item distributed to all golfers
Sponsors get a complimentary round of golf for four in the tournament (a $500 savings!)
Facebook Postings of Sponsorship
Company Logo featured Sponsor on EDCCC Website
Sponsorship recognized in the E-News and Special Golf Event Emails
Tee Sponsor sign with the option to set up a table on your sponsored hole to promote your business
Name/logo used in all newspaper advertising on all posters and flyers, and on a thank you poster the day of the event, plus listing in the program with contact info.
Major recognition in The Voice of Business (with a distribution of 27,000+)
Sponsor - $1000
Company name screen printed on give-away item distributed to all golfers
Tee Sponsor sign with the option to set up a table on your sponsored hole to promote your business
Name used in all newspaper advertising, on all posters and flyers, and on a thank you poster the day of the event
Recognition in The Voice of Business (with a distribution of 27,000+)
Major recognition in a thank you ad in The Mountain Democrat
Cart Sponsor - $1000
Sponsor sign on Beverage Cart
Sponsor may ride on Beverage Cart and meet all of the players
Verbal recognition at the awards dinner
Recognition in The Voice of Business (with a distribution of 27,000+)
Company name screen printed on give-away item distributed to all golfers
Tee Sponsor sign with the option to set up a table on your sponsored hole to promote your business
Name used in all newspaper advertising, on all posters and flyers, and on a thank you poster the day of the event
Recognition in The Voice of Business (with a distribution of 27,000+)
Major recognition in a thank you ad in The Mountain Democrat
Cart Sponsor - $1000
Sponsor sign on Beverage Cart
Sponsor may ride on Beverage Cart and meet all of the players
Verbal recognition at the awards dinner
Recognition in The Voice of Business (with a distribution of 27,000+)
Premium Tee Sponsor - $200
Sponsors at this level will get a sign as well as the ability to set up a table/booth on their sponsored hole to promote their business. (There will be more than one sign per hole)
Tee Sponsor - $100
Sponsors at this level will get a sign to promote their business. There will be more than one sign per hole.