Sierra Vista Winery
- Wineries & Vineyards
- Event Venues
- Event Venues, Events
- Events
- Events & Conference Planning
- Food Truck
- Gift Shop
- Guided Tours
- Imported Cheeses
- Jewelry
- Meeting Venue
- Party Rental
- Recreation
- Specialty Foods
- Travel & Tours
- Wedding & Event Planning
- Wedding & Portraits
- Wedding Cordinators
- Wedding Receptions
- Wedding Resources, Wineries & Vineyards
- Wedding Services
- Wine Bar

An El Dorado original winery with a 45 year history featuring Rhone and Bordeaux estate wines & other varietals from around the world only 15 minutes off Highway 50.
Whom to Contact
- Tracy BrittainPhone: (530) 622-7221
- Mr. Ryan WrightWinemaker4560 Cabernet WayPlacerville, CA 95667Phone: (530) 622-7221